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So far ABC7 has created 64 blog entries.

How to Feed Your Dog a Pill

By |2022-08-12T23:45:56-04:00February 15th, 2010|Dog Care Tips|

Dogs can be Picky Eaters Some dogs will eat anything, while others are fussy eaters.  If a medication or a pill has an unappealing scent to a dog, then it will be difficult to get your dog to swallow or eat a pill.  However, here are some tricks to try out. Mix it Up First,

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Dog Introductions Take Time

By |2022-08-12T23:46:05-04:00February 12th, 2010|Dog Care Tips|

Dog Socialization Takes Time Dogs are social animals and enjoy companionship with their owners and other dogs.  But you need to take your time when introducing a new pup into the house.  When you are ready to adopt another dog, have patience.  Stay positive and remember these guidelines to help the two socialize on a

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Dog Trainers

By |2022-08-12T23:50:15-04:00December 23rd, 2009|Dog Care Tips, Dog Training Classes|

Please keep in mind when looking for a dog trainer or behaviorist if they only show a P.O. box or no address at all and have you leave a message when calling they are probably not registered or Licensed with the state. K9 Korral obedience training center is Registered & Licensed to do business in

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Basic Puppy Training

By |2022-08-12T23:48:48-04:00December 15th, 2009|Dog Care Tips, Dog Training Classes|

Do you want your furry canine friend to receive loads of compliments? If yes, you may enroll you dog in a class at K9 Korral. If you are staying in Sarasota Florida, you would find K9 Korral Obedience Training Center can help you inculcate good mannerisms in your dog. Imagine how you would feel when

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