As we clean up after Hurricane Milton, our Training Classes are suspended until further notice.Our Store, Daycare & Boarding, are open normal business hours.
Insurance regulations require closed-toed and healed shoes. No clogs, flip-flops, sandles. Tennis shoes are preferred.
If you miss a class session please contact us to receive a copy of the homework. All of our classes at K9 Korral are taught in a series/needed basis, for this reason we cannot permit drop-ins or make-up classes. You may pay for a private lesson to get caught up.
If you miss two sessions or more, your dog will not be able to graduate this level.
We reserve the right to decline entry tfo (or excuse from class) any dog who presents behavior issues that may be dangerous, disruptive, or exacerbated by participation the class. If you have concerns about how your dog will react in a classroom setting please contact us on the phone prior to signing up for the class. If the trainer determines that it is in everyone’s best interest that your dog work with a private trainer you will be provided with a full refund and or apply to a private lesson.
No people or dog aggressive puppies are allowed in puppy group classes. Puppies found to have aggression issues (either dog or people) will be pulled from the Puppy Class and additional training options will be referred.
We reserve the right to decline entry to (or excuse from class) any person whose conduct or behavior may be disruptive to the class. Our classes are reward-based and focus on dog friendly training methods to help people teach their pet dogs basic pet-dog manners. Harsh corrections, jerking & pulling and/or intimidating training methods will not be tolerated. We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason.
If the minimum enrollment for a class (4 dogs) is not met by at least 2 days prior to the first class session, the class will be canceled or rescheduled. We will notify you at least 2 days before the class was scheduled to begin, to see if you would like to enroll in a different session or receive a refund.
We welcome all friendly and social dogs into our classes. Dogs that are in heat cannot attend class. Refunds are not available for a dog that cannot attend class due to her heat cycle.
You are required to show proof that your dog is current on his or her vaccinations on or before the first day of class. By bringing your dog to class you certify that your dog does not have any contagious diseases. If at any point during the course your dogs become ill please call us immediately. Do not bring an ill dog to any class.
Refunds will be provided if you notify us by email and phone of your cancellation at least 3 days before the first class session. A partial refund (50%) will be offered if, within the first session of your class, your dog is unable to continue due to injury or illness. No refund will be provided for any reason once the first session of your class has started.
It is the responsibility of the owner or their representative to remove any of their dogs droppings. Please carry a plastic bag, Available free at either door.
No person shall have their dog off lead without the permission of an instructor.
Chock chains, Prong, shock Collars or chain collars and leashes are not permitted at any time. We also ask you leave your retractable leash at home for your dogs protection and others.
Smoking is not permitted in building at anytime.
Not wearing the appropriate footwear may result in not attending that particular class for your safety.
There is a $40 fee for all returned checks.
Our classes start on time so please make every effort to be here. After class has been in session for 10 minutes, you will not be able to attend current class. No Exceptions
After arriving in class we would like you to start warming up your dog before class start. (get your dogs attention look command , walk, Along with other commands)
We recommend you use small training treats for the dogs during class. Something he/she will be able to take without much chewing. Soft treats Please as crunchy treats fall on floor.
After the first class we do not allow plastic bags with treats in the training area. This is not only disruptive to other dogs but also takes the attention away from you own dog. You can either keep your treats in your pocket or in a special training pouch, which we also sell in our store.